Our team consists of guides, trail builders, racers, and all other nature loving mountainbike enthusiast. We are proud of our valley, of our country, our heritage and surrounding nature. We love it. And we never get tired of exploring and enjoying it with our bikes. Sometimes we switch bikes with tool to build trails or only to clean and maintain old long forgotten ones. It is fun digging dirt thinking of riding it later. We also like to share great riding experience with anybody. It is actualy very fun, and live and deep…also very simple and it is called mountainbiking.

Jani Hercog

Founder / lead guide / trail builder

Comes from the good old school of  first mtb guides in Slovenia.

Peter Mlinar

Guide and trail designer - builder

Former Slovenian DH and Enduro national champ.

Branko Maček / Muc

Trail builder

Allrounde mtb machine and trail builder.


Loads of vulcanic activity very long time ago makes this area geologically diverse, while deep down under our feet, African and Euroasiaan tectonic plates meet. Techically one day we ride in Africa and the other in EU. Here is where Karawanke Alps were formed and they are stretched as the longest mountain chain in Slovenia, between Italy, Austria and of course Slovenia. (Our area is the end of that chain, or the start..no real start or end of the chain, similar to the one we use on our bikes.) Geological diverse rock also means diverse dirt on our trails and vegetation around. Limestone is the foundation, so trails are often dried quickly, since rain waters run through the rock and soil.


In majority we ride natural forest trails with some roots, rocks and grippy dirt. Spruce and pine are most common trees in our forests, so ground needles give the trails extra smoothness and grip. Mining history and remote farms are the reason of many old hiking trails, which in the old days used to be daily connections to towns and villages. Slovenia used to be part of former Yugoslavia, the third block counties, and our borders were partoled by soldiers. Daily hikes over the ridges and hills , a vast network of bordering trails was a matter of national security. It is safe to say that those times are long gone, but the trails remained and are fully enjoyed by fellow riders.


We are located on Slovenian side of the border between Slovenia and Austria with good motorway connections through Austria. Closest airport is Klagenfurt (Austria). Second closest is Ljubljana international airport (LJU) with daily flights from major EU cities, and some low cost flight operators. Other airports in drive range: Graz and Vienna (AUT), Venice (ITA), Zagreb (Cro), Munich (GER). Airport pickup (shuttle/transfer) avaliable with a van and enclosed bike trailer.


Slovenia – Europe’s singletrack secret – IMBIKEMAG.COM

Our guests Juraj and Dasha from Slovakia put up a colorful article about riding our local trails: http://mtnlovers.sk/clanok/169/jamnica-a-koroska-region-dediny-kde-sa-jazdi-ews



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